The CPA exists to represent the world's competitive solo piping community.

Grading Committee

The President of the CPA will appoint a Chairman, who will then form a suitably qualified committee to assess members’ grades.

The CPA Grading Committee is a representative group of piping experts from the competition communities, all of whom are internationally respected competitors or judges with a detailed knowledge of the competition scene. The significant representation of overseas based members who either compete or judge in Scotland is designed to ensure that the grading process is as internationally comparable as possible.

All members of the Committee have access to the track records submitted by individual CPA members wishing to be graded. The Committee members give their opinion on a grade to be allocated to the individual where appropriate, bearing in mind that in some circumstances the Committee member may not have heard the individual playing and may defer a final decision to the Chair.

The Committee will then meet in mid December to review and collate the views of each Committee member and agree the final grading by consensus. The Chair has final say in all cases. Given the international membership of the Committee, it is not possible for all members to attend the final grading meeting, but the views of the Committee are reflected in the final grading allocated. Any comments or queries regarding the grading Committee should be submitted to the CPA Secretary in the first instance.